Kalix@ 9850是一种50%玻璃纤维增强高性能聚疏胺。它是一种热水可塑性材料,适用于要求优良机械性能和表面质量的部件。Kalix@ 9850具有高刚度和强度、很好的冲击性能、良好的尺寸稳定性和良好的表面光洁度。Kalix@ 9850具有高流量、低闪光倾向和快速循环时间的优良组合,使其成为大量生产的薄壁季件的成本竞争选择,例如移动电子设备中的结构零件。黑色: Kalix@ 9850 BK 000 Kalix@ 9850 is a 50% lass-fiber reinforcedhigh-performance polyamide t is ho-water moldable and intended for use in components requiring superior mechanical properties and excelent surfacejuality,Kalx 9850 is characlerized by high stifness and strength, very good impact properties, good dimensional stabilty and excelent surface inishalix@ 9850 exhibits an excellent combination of high flow,low flash tendency and fast cycle time which makes it a cost-ompettive option for thin-walledparts